Something In The Way

A portrait that I was given back with photos, sort of. It was a present for a very important person. Old one. Cheers ”Emmi Honkala”. So, got the pictures and remastred it, a little bit and blaah blaah blaah.

But here’s something fucked up.

Veikkaisin about 2004, ehkä.
A4 tai A3 kokoa

Tietoja Visual Disturbance Art

Art, illustration, graphic design, poster design, cover art, logo, calligraphy, underground, merry inksters, visual disturbance.
Kategoria(t): art, Art/Illustration/Comics, artwork, black metal, Empty Stares, hardcore, hc, illustration, Lopun alku, merry inksters, trash, underground. Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.

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